Because no one is immune to a problem on their bike when out and about, Blue Béar, expert in bike repair, offers apprenticeship courses to allow everyone to know how to repair and adjust their own bike. Our courses are designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of level of knowledge or experience in bicycle repair. During these courses, participants will learn the basics of bicycle repair: Changing an inner tube, how to adjust brakes and derailleurs, repair his chain, repair a tire, how to carry out a general overhaul of the bike. They will also have the opportunity to ask questions and receive personalized advice based on their needs. Our goal is to pass on our passion for bicycles and share our knowledge with others. We believe anyone can learn to repair and tune their own bike with a little practice and patience. The courses are organized in our fully equipped, welcoming and friendly workshop. We provide all the necessary equipment, including tools and spare parts. Participants will walk away with a thorough understanding of the various components of their bike and how to repair and adjust them. In conclusion, Blue Béar's bike repair courses are the perfect opportunity for bike enthusiasts to develop their skills and experience the personal satisfaction that comes from fixing your own bike. So don't hesitate any longer, register for one of our courses today!
réparation de vélo
Réservez maintenant !
Sea kayaking: Hiking
Durée du stage : 2 jours
Horaires : 9:00 - 12:00 / 13:30 - 16:00
Lieu : Route de Taxo - Argelès sur mer
The perfect adventure between Land & Sea, to share with family or friends!
Go along, browse the Vermeille coast sea kayak and discover this magnificent relief of an equally perspective that UNIQUE MAGIC 🤩.
TARIFS : 99€ / Personne
Prochaines dates
réservation par téléphone
STAGE 2 : Perfectionnement réparation vélos VTT
Durée du stage : 2 jours (samedi et dimanche)
Horaires : 9:00 - 12:00 / 13:30 - 16:00
Lieu : Route de Taxo - Argelès sur mer
Équiper une roue en Tubeless
Purge freins hydraulique (Shimano, Magura...)
Réglage suspensions (SAG, pression, fonctionnement)
VAE : Vélo assistance électrique
TARIFS : 99€ / Personne
Prochaines dates
réservation par téléphone
Chaque stage de réparation de vélo se fera sous la direction de Thomas titulaire d'un "CQP Conseiller Technicien Cycles", et fort d'une expérience de plus de 12 ans de réparation de vélo.
Afin de vous offrir une expérience inoubliable, Thomas adaptera et réservera une partie de chaque programme, aux questions et problématiques de chacun.
Venez avec votre propre vélo !